The Psychology of Max Rockatansky

Mad Maxculinity

     Mad Maxculinity








Monster Max: The Mask of Masculinity

In this essay I want to propose that this is the beginning of Max’s journey of personal development, where he is attempting to separate himself from the feminine world of the mother to begin his journey towards a masculine identity by adopting the mask of masculinity. 

Let me point out that this essay, like the others in the series, is based on the idea that the Mad Max group of films may be read psychologically as the infant Max, breaking away from Jessie, his mother figure, to become an independent individual. 

Mad Max 1: "In the beginning...."
MM2: "Let there be light..."
MM 3: "Wicked witch of Bartertown..."
Mad Max 4: "Rebirth and Revolution"
"Milk, Mothers, Breasts and Babies"
"Rope, the Maternal Connection"
"The Mind of a Serial Killer":
"Mad Max 1979; The Social Context"